Saturday, July 16, 2016

Blended Families

Couples who remarry are less likely to last as long as first marriages. They are even more less likely to fail when children are involved. For a blended family to work the couple needs to have more discussions behind closed doors. The couple needs to talk about how they are going to blend their two different families into one. On average a blended family takes about two years to get to their normalcy.

In a blended family discipline is a very tricky thing to balance. The step parent is not the child's parent so they are more likely to rebel against what the step parent does. It is suggested that the birth parent do all heavy discipline. Even when stepparents have a good relationship with children they are equivalent to a favorite aunt or uncle. These aunts or uncles usually have clear expectations for the children. They are warm, open, accepting and supportive of the parent.

Blended families have so many challenges, but every family does. With work and willingness to try any family can succeed.

"The most important work we will ever do is within the walls of our own home" -Harold B. Lee

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