Friday, May 20, 2016

Gender Roles and Family Life

Over the last couple of decades gender roles and family life has changed dramatically. There is a urge to make everything equal for everyone, whether male or female. Every single person is different. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses this makes the world go round. The differences in people are the best things about the world we live in.

Our different traits allow us to fulfill different roles in our society and in our own families. I think it is important that we realize that all roles are equally important. A father who goes to work to earn a living for his family is as equally important as a mother who stays home to take care of the children. The children also play important roles by learning and developing. Without the father there would be no income for the family to live off of. Without the mother the house would be a mess and the children would be out of control making it hard for them to learn and grow to become a productive member of society. You see every member of the family is important. This is the same for everyone in a society. We need sanitation workers to take away trash just like we need doctors to heal the sick to have a successful society.

Within our genders we have what we have "masculine" and "feminine" traits. In our society we are set on these traits only coming from their assigned gender, but if we see them from the opposite gender they are ridiculed. This in return makes them be an outcast or they suppress the traits. If you were to make a list of traits that were "feminine" and "masculine" you would realize that both genders have traits on both sides. Having traits on both sides is great, you wouldn't want to marry or be friends with someone who only showed traits from one side. Even though we share traits on both sides we still have certain traits we are better at. It's natural and part of our biology to have these differences. Instead of trying to make everyone be the same we should embrace our differences. We can't make it through this world on our own. We need others with differences so we can help each other through this life.  

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