Saturday, May 7, 2016

Understanding Family Dynamics and Theories

The family is such a complex thing because no two families are exactly alike. This makes families hard to study, but this week in class we learned about four theories of how families and relationships work. The four theories are Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Exchange Theory, and Systems Theory. In a family all these theories can be present at certain times or they can just take bits and pieces of each one. Knowing how relationships and families work can be so important to their success.

The Conflict Theory is a power struggle. One person or group is always trying to have more power than the other person or group that is involved. The Symbolic Interaction Theory is that in a relationship people are always communicating whether it be through words, actions, objects, or gestures. This can lead to many misunderstandings because everybody has their own interpretations of the things that happen to them in the world around us. The Exchange Theory is like a scale. If you give something you will be expecting something in return and vice versa. If a relationship is costing more than you more than the reward the relationship usually doesn't last. The last theory is Systems Theory. A relationship together is better than separate parts. Everyone has different roles and rules that apply to them in the relationship. The roles everyone plays are specific and something only they can fulfill completely. The uniqueness of everyone bringing their strengths and weaknesses to the family is what I think makes the family so great. In today's world sometimes we get caught up in trying to make sure that everything is exactly equal for every single person, but that sometimes takes away our individuality. Just because someone's role is different than yours doesn't mean theirs is more or less important than yours. It just means that it is different. If we were all the same the world would be such a boring place to be.

I love my family so much! I am so grateful that I am sealed to them for time and all eternity. I believe that before we even came to Earth we knew what families we were going to be in. We weren't just randomly sent down here. Our Father in Heaven placed us in specific families so we could fulfill our divine purpose and help each other in the best way possible in returning to our Father in Heaven after our journey here. So the next time you are struggling with your family just remember they need you and you need them because there are certain things you can't do without each other.

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